I originally started this blog to simplify personal finance concepts for the general public. This has been a great journey to be on, but I decided it was time to rebrand my website. I decided that …
Summary of President Trump’s August 8 Economic Executive Orders
On August 8, 2020 President Trump issued four Executive Orders (technically three memorandums and one order), that offer possible additional eviction and foreclosure assistance, a payroll tax holiday, …
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My Favorite Podcasts (Financial and other)
I love learning, and one of my favorite ways to learn is while I am driving. A while back I discovered podcasts, and today I want to share with you some of my favorite podcasts that I listen to while …
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Quote of the Day
How to Set and Achieve Your Goals
Successful entrepreneur, author and public speaker Jim Rohn tells a story about meeting his boss and mentor, Earl Shoaff, for breakfast early in his career to discuss success. Shoaff suggested they …