These graphs show the S&P 500 and DOW Jones averages since the beginning of 2020 through the close of the market on March 20, 2020: Some "experts" are predicting it could go down …
Analysis of the Revised Tax Cuts & Jobs Act
I don’t know how they did it. The House passed a terrible tax bill. The Senate passed one that was almost as bad. To reconcile the two bills a House and Senate Conference Committee was created. I had …
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The Republican tax bill – a burden to families, homeowners, and students
DECEMBER 18, 2017 UPDATE: This bill, and therefore this article, are now irrelevant as the Senate also passed a bill, then a committee was formed to reconcile the two bills. For an analysis of the …
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How to protect yourself after the Equifax data breach
Following the news of the hurricanes, news of the Equifax security breach has been all over the news. Financial data of 143 million Americans has been stolen, and in many cases it means that the …
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What’s up with the economy?
Are you tired of watching your savings earn .02% per year and seeing your investments lose money each year? You're not alone. You probably feel a lot like this guy - you just want someone to "FIX …
The Affordable Care Act in Plain English
by Ryan Law “At the end of the day, what everyone wants is a way to make sure we’re taken care of when we’re sick, and that it doesn't ruin us financially to get that care.” – Jonathan Gruber, …
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