NOTE: Updated April 16, 2020 as a result of new information available. As a result of the CARES Act, which became law on March 27, 2020, most Americans will receive stimulus checks. Single …
The Stock Market Rollercoaster
These graphs show the S&P 500 and DOW Jones averages since the beginning of 2020 through the close of the market on March 20, 2020: Some "experts" are predicting it could go down …
Money and Marriage
Since 2007 money has topped the list of sources of stress for Americans, with almost two-thirds reporting that money caused them very significant or somewhat significant stress. Money is also the …
Paying for College – 529 plans
College can be paid for in a number of different ways - you can save up in advance, you can work and pay along the way, you can excel in academics, sports or other areas and get scholarships, you can …
Are You Financially Fragile?
What would happen to you and your family if: your fridge broke down? your car transmission went out? the primary breadwinner in your family dies? the primary breadwinner in your family …
How to save money on shaving
Today is a quick tip on how to save some money on a product many of us use at least a few times a week - razors. I don't like cheap disposable razors, so for years I was using expensive razors such …