by Ryan H. Law

I spend more time on LinkedIn than all other social networks combined. I feel like my tribe is there – and I never leave LinkedIn feeling frustrated or annoyed (like I do on Facebook sometimes).
Here’s a few interesting things about LinkedIn1:
- 40% of users check LinkedIn daily.
- 50% of college graduates in the US are LinkedIn users.
- 44% of LinkedIn users take home more than $75,000 per year
- LinkedIn is 277% more effective at generating leads than Facebook and Twitter.
I’ve studied quite a bit about how to use LinkedIn effectively, and I have some ideas to share with you.
- People want to read about how something will benefit them. Starting a post with “Listen to my newest podcast about…” will not get engagement. Instead, jump right to the benefit: “How financial advisors can take advantage of the new work-at-home environment.”
- In conjunction with the above point, don’t just give a headline and link to your blog or podcast. Share a few points then encourage them to go to your website to read the rest.
- Write all your posts to your ideal customer. If you work with Entrepreneurs who are looking to sell their businesses, all your posts (and hashtags) should relate to that niche.
- Do some longer standalone LinkedIn posts – don’t always take them to your website.
- Engage with others! Practice the 80/20 rule. For every post you make, comment on at least 5 other posts.

- When you comment do not just say “I agree!” or “Great post!” Share a stat, a story, a link, a different viewpoint, why you agree, etc.
- Use images – posts with images get twice as many views as posts without images.
- Use consistent hashtags.
- Occasionally share 3rd party content – links from Inc., Forbes, Success, etc. Don’t just share the link though – make a comment or share a quote from the article.
- Building influence on LinkedIn takes time. However, if you are building influence, you won’t need to sell. If you provide real value people will want to visit your website.
- Commit to at least 15 minutes a day on LinkedIn. Commit some additional time each week to improve your profile.
- If you don’t know what to post, consider some of the following:
- Quotes
- Ask a question
- Something funny
- Infographics/charts
- Share someone else’s post
- Because LinkedIn is for professionals and they often check it during the workday, the best times/days to post are weekdays from about 8AM – 2 PM.
What other strategies do you like to use on LinkedIn?
- Go to LinkedIn right now and post something directed to your ideal customer. Tag me and I’ll comment on your post.

(1) Thanks to Maddy Osman for pulling together these stats. Mind-Blowing LinkedIn Statistics and Facts (2021)
Images licensed by Ingram Image – Stock Photo Secrets (AFF)
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