by Ryan H. Law
How many of you would like to do something big – write a book, get another designation, start a podcast or blog, or finish a degree? Almost every financial advisor I know says, “I should write a book,” but few of them do.
Why is that? Why do we struggle to do these big projects that we know will make a big difference?
I have a few theories:
- The idea is too big, too daunting. “I don’t know how to write a book. I’ve never done it before. How would I even get started?”
- Imposter syndrome. “Who am I to write a book, or get that designation or start a podcast? I’m not qualified to do that. I’m too young/old/inexperienced.”
- It’s important, but not urgent. Stephen Covey called these types of activities Quadrant II Activities – they are important, but not urgent. The things that matter most (Quadrant II) are at the mercy of things that matter least (things that are urgent but not important).
I don’t have all the answers to these challenges, but I have some ideas that have worked for me.
- Decide exactly what you want to do. Do you want to write a book/start a blog/start a podcast? Who is your audience? What exactly is it going to be about?
- Choose one thing you can do this week. Request information about that designation or degree. Research how to start a podcast. Write a description of your book and start outlining it. Just choose something.
- Schedule time on your calendar to make Step 2 happen. Don’t schedule it for 4 PM on Friday, because it won’t happen. Choose a time when you are going to be fresh and alert. Block out a couple of hours and commit to it.

Repeat steps 2 and 3 every week. Every single week. Even better, commit some time to it every day.
When that project is done, move back to step 1 and start over.
This process has helped me to write/edit two books, develop and teach new courses, serve as the President of the Board of Directors for AFCPE, start this blog, and more. I deal with all the same excuses you do.
Trust me, if I can do it, any of you can as well.
What is your big project? Commit to it today.
- Decide exactly what you want to do.
- Pick something to do this week and schedule time on your calendar.
- Keep your commitment and do it.

All images in this post are licensed by Ingram Image – Stock Photo Secrets (AFF)
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